Carta da Terra

"Estamos diante de um momento crítico na história da Terra, numa época em que a humanidade deve escolher o seu futuro. À medida que o mundo torna-se cada vez mais interdependente e frágil, o futuro enfrenta, ao mesmo tempo, grandes perigos e grandes promessas. Para seguir adiante, devemos reconhecer que, no meio da uma magnífica diversidade de culturas e formas de vida, somos uma família humana e uma comunidade terrestre com um destino comum. Devemos somar forças para gerar uma sociedade sustentável global baseada no respeito pela natureza, nos direitos humanos universais, na justiça econômica e numa cultura da paz. Para chegar a este propósito, é imperativo que nós, os povos da Terra, declaremos nossa responsabilidade uns para com os outros, com a grande comunidade da vida, e com as futuras gerações." (da CARTA DA TERRA)

Voluntary carbon sector may see further falls >>> SiloBreaker

Friday, 25 June 2010 The voluntary carbon market may well see further declines in 2010 following last year’s contraction, according to market players in London to this week. A gathering of carbon offset providers, carbon analysts and others at the London launch of the leading report in for the sector on Wednesday heard that demand on the pure voluntary and pre-compliance sides of the market is likely to remain subdued.

The State of Voluntary Carbon Markets 2010 report was unveiled last week in the US and revealed a 26 per cent fall in voluntary emission reduction credit volumes to 94 million tonnes in 2009, with the value of transactions almost halving to $387 million.

This year, the chances of a US trading scheme being passed by Congress have faded, which had been the only positive driver keeping demand up last year as US players looked to earn, or speculate in, earn early action credit. As the US and Europe continue to struggle out of recession, both drivers of demand for the voluntary market look soft in 2010, suggesting further falls in volumes and value are likely.

Jonathon Shopley of The Carbon Neutral Company questioned whether the sector might not be deluding itself bout the chances of recovery this year. Organisations undertaking pure voluntary offsetting in 2010 would likely have set their budgets last year, possibly “in the depths of recession”, and this may well be reflected in lower 2010 purchase requirements, Shopley said.

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